Toronto could be me

En wie zou deze trouwe lezer toch wel zijn?
State/Region : Ontario 
City : Toronto 
ikke nie nieuwschierig nie 

Zei ik een paar dagen geleden....
Apetrots ben ik, want vanmorgen kreeg ik een heel leuk mailtje uit de buurt van Toronto: 150 km southwest of Toronto near Simcoe, Ontario

Een paar stukjes met toestemming van de schrijver:

I like browsing your blog, for a variety of reasons, firstly, I must say it is very well done. I'm a bit of an amateur photographer myself, and I dare say your pictures are really well done. You've got a keen eye for just the right shot. Secondly, you don't mince words, so it's hardly ever boring. On top of that, you're timely, it is never stale, and you choose a variety of different, every day, common, topics and make them into something truly interesting. 

I was born in Voorhout (Voorhut) Zuid Holland in 1950, went to school (lagere school, MULO) in Sassenheim ('Sassem') and spent a lot of time cavorting through the dunes and walking the beach at Langevelderslag, Noordwijkerhout ('Kokkerhut'), so the beach and dune stories really take me back to the good old days. They sure form a beautiful part of Holland, pardon me The Netherlands. 

En dan dit!
How I found your blog is kind of cute. Some day last summer I read somewhere about the oldest person in the world dying, it may even have been a woman in Nederland. In any event, this got me thinking about 'Opa Kip', a name I remembered from when I was a child. I remember hearing that he was the oldest person around and the news of him dying. So, I decided, just for the hell of it, to do a Google search on Opa Kip. Well, somehow your blog came up, because you had mentioned in there I believe that you had been on the street where he lived. So it's because of Opa Kip I'm writing this email. Hopefully, I'll be able to have this effect on somebody 40 odd years after I pass on. I rather doubt it.

Ria Maandag 23 Januari 2006 at 11:21 am | ΒΆ | Standaard
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